Archived 12/10/18

Governing Documents & Regulations

IMPORTANT NOTE: As new or amended policies, procedures or rules/regulations are adopted by the Board, they are posted on this page until ongoing revisions of the documents they will become a part of are complete. Please be sure to read these in addition to referring to the Quick Links above for Regulations, Bylaws and Covenants. Please be aware that the recorded Bylaws do not reflect all changes to the Bylaws. Consult the AIA office or Board for any subsequent changes that may have been made.

Articles of Incorporation:
-Articles of Incorporation of the Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc. – 1974
-Article of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc. – 2003
-Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc. – August 2017

Declaration of Protective Covenants:
-Declaration of Protective Covenants--Arrowhead (1990 Covenants with 2003 Amendment. Not for Ridges)
-Declaration of Protective Covenants--Ridges at Arrowhead (1993)

-Bylaws--Amended August 15, 2015

-2015 Revised Regulations
-BOD Approved Camping and RV Use Regulation (8-18-18)
-RV Registration Form
Overview for Responsible Governance Policies and Design Review Building Guidelines
Below are two sections of proposed text to be included in the revision of the Regulations. These are being
posted for owner comment. Please contact Patty Greeves at with any comments or questions.
Responsible Governance Policies
The Arrowhead Improvements Association, Inc, (AIA) as a Colorado homeowners association is governed by a
Colorado Statute known as the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, commonly referred to as CCIOA.
The many parts of CCIOA address the management and operation of homeowners’ associations.

As such, the AIA is required to have nine (9) written responsible governance policies and procedures on the
following topics:
1. Conflict of Interest Policy: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
2. Conduct of Meeting Policy: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
3. Policy of Dispute Resolution between Association and Owners: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
4. Records Inspection and Production Policy: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
5. Investment Policy: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
6. Dues Collection Policy: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
7. Procedures for the Adoption and Amendment of Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
8. Reserve Study: CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
9. Enforcement of Covenants and Rules – the enforcement policy will be posted at a later time.
The first eight (8) of these documents were written between 2012- 2014. AIA Attorney, Jacob With from Law
of the Rockies felt several of these policies needed updating.
Design Review Regulations
During September and October 2018, the Design Review Committee (DRC) and the Board of Directors (Board) further reviewed the Design Review Regulations for Arrowhead. After receiving owner input from the prior posting of the DRC Regulations, The Board and the DRC recognize that homeowners and site owners' needs have changed and are therefore proposing the amendments described below. CLICK HERE to review proposed changes.
Arrowhead Violation Report
Instructions and Submissions Form

Governing Documents & Regulations Archives